Bus: architecture software able to integrate different application server through bus-like infrastructure.


Auth: it allows users to register into Bioframe system obtaining an authorization/authentication token that will be used to carry out several operation on the platform, such as run programs, install packages and install server.


Esbrunner: it allows users to run a specific program in a simplified manner, in particular, by execution of program command line instruction without it installation on user machine


Scheduler: receiving a set of resource access request, it makes it possible to select an appropriate package server to execute the request (to do that, several hardware resources are evaluated: free ram, free swap, load system average, total running process, etc.)


Broker: it allows bus to get an available services (bioinformatic tools) survey system. It is based on a database of packages and package servers (servers providing packages)


Resource Manger: it allows users to manage access to data (such as input and output of bioinformatic analysis) through token productions. This can be done using a web interface or a set of web service calls


Package Server: software layer that allow servers to become a bioframe service providers


Dashboard: based on control panel to manage each component of the platform, it allows users to view list of installed packages, to install new package and new server in a simplified manner, and more.